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Plantar Fasciitis: What is it?

Plantar fasciitis is characterized by stabbing pain in the foot’s bottom close to the arch and heel. It is caused by the inflammation of the plantar fascia. This web-like thick tissue band at the bottom of your foot connects the toes with the heel bone. The plantar fascia’s main job is to absorb shock and support the foot’s arch so you can walk comfortably.

However, the tissue may wear and tear if you put a lot of pressure on the feet. Repeated tearing of the fascia can cause inflammation, stiffness, and heel pain.

Runner tying shoe

What Are the Causes?

The condition may develop because of overusing or overstretching the plantar fascia ligament.

Plantar fasciitis can occur as a result of the following:

Soccer players


Adjusting shoe

Standing on the
Feet All Day


Working or Exercising on Hard Surfaces


Exercising Without
Warming Up

kneeling down

Wearing the Wrong Foot Wear


Standing or 
Walking Barefoot

The structure of your foot can also incline you to develop plantar fasciitis. The exact cause of the discomfort caused by plantar fasciitis remains unknown. However, a study conducted in 2003 and published in the Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association suggested that it is likely to be triggered by degeneration.



Patients with plantar fasciitis usually complain about experiencing pain either at the bottom of their heel or in the mid-foot area. The most common plantar fasciitis symptoms include:

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The pain felt in this condition changes depending on your activity and the time of the day. The classic example includes severe pain in the morning as you take your first steps. However, this pain gradually decreases with movement but returns after standing for an extended period.

Risk Factors

Risk Factors

You may be at a high risk of developing plantar fasciitis if you:

• Have high arch or flat feet

• Are a middle or long-distance runner

• Engage in activities that put a lot of pressure on the heel and attached tissue, such as ballet, and aerobics

• Have a job that requires long hours of standing, such as a server, factory worker, or teacher

• Wear soft-soled shoes with poor foot support

• Are obese or overweight

• Are 40 years old or above

RH PF Risk Graphic

Are Obese or Overweight

Are 40 Years Old or Above

Have high arch

or flat fleet



Palm Tree
Palm Tree

Treatment Process

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Physical Exam

Our doctors will perform a physical examination to determine the foot’s tenderness and the precise spot where the patient has the pain to rule out other potential foot problems.

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Pain Evaluation

Next, they may ask you to gently flex the muscle of your foot as they press the plantar fascia to evaluate if your pain worsens.

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Assess Muscle
Strength & Nerve Health

Furthermore, our experts will also assess your muscle strength and nerve health by your reflexes, coordination, and balance.

Treatment Options

At Redefined Hawaii, we specialize in pulsewave therapy. Our

board-certified doctor can assess your condition to determine if you are an appropriate candidate for the treatment. The treatment is mainly performed once a week for three to six weeks.


The series of treatments varies depending on your condition, history and results achieved. Overall the procedure lasts about five minutes but can cause mild discomfort. For more information or assessment, schedule a consultation with our doctor today. 

Platelet-Rich Plasma

Platelet-Rich Plasma

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Image Testing

In some situations, an MRI or X-ray may be suggested. Image testing can provide quality evidence on plantar fascia thickening and

tissue inflammation.

Shockwave Therapy

Pulsewave Therapy

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